Playing the Indian Card

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Truth about Househusbands

Whenever I go out alone with my son, I can expect some unpleasantness. He is quite a well-behaved little six-year-old. And there is rarely a problem when his mother is with us. But it seems that when a man cares for children, he is subject to general contempt, most especially from women. Many women seem to think that they have the right to order around any man with a child, and they seem positively eager to complain about any inconvenience they have been caused. They never, in my experience, act this way with a mother. They wouldn’t dare.

Where a woman with a child is helped by all comers, a man seems to be obstructed wherever possible. It is an opportunity for bullies to get in their licks.

And never mind a man paying any attention at all to a child not his own. He is lucky if he is not openly accused of being a pedophile on the make.

This attitude is the furthest thing from equality of the sexes--and yet, while everybody claims to believe in equality of the sexes, nobody seems to remark on it. Equality of the sexes is the last thing “feminism” is about.

Similarly, current “progressive” thought holds that men are supposed to do half the housework. But let’s be frank: there is no equality in the kitchen. What happens if the man decides he wants to store the good plates here rather than there? Who decides?

Never the husband. Men who work in the kitchen inevitably work under the close direction of their wives. She is the supervisor; they are unpaid labour.

Don’t even get me going in “reproductive freedom.” Why is it that for women, the free choice to have or not have a child is a fundamental right, even if they choose to have sex with all comers, yet men have no say, beyond refusing all sex, in whether they have a child or not?

We will have equality of the sexes when fathers are given custody of children as often as mothers; when women are charged with sexual harassment as often as men; when men can choose as freely as women whether to work outside the home or not; and when there are as many women as men in prison.

Why are the feminists who claim to want sexual equality not lobbying for affirmative action on these fronts?

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