Playing the Indian Card

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

And So I Have Sailed the Seven Seas and Come...

My apologies if this site is a little quieter than usual for the next few weeks. Its summertime, and your humble correspondent is vacationing in Turkey. And tryiıng to type this on a Turkish keyboard. No simple thing.

A recent piece in one paper or another raised an alarm. It reported that women in Britain rarely call the police more than once to accuse the same man of assaulting them. The conclusion the story dutifully took from this was that many women were living with continued assault.

Not likely. That assumption does not come from the real world.

What actually happens when a woman calls the polıce and claims a man has assaulted her, in Britain or in North America--and "assault" by this definition can be something as trivial as callıng her a name--is that the polıce burst into the home and haul the man away to prison, no questions asked. This happens even if. by the time the police arrive, the woman has changed her story and no longer claims to have been assaulted.

Basically, whatever happens from there, and whether the original charge was true or not, no man is likely to risk going near that same woman again. No matter what her intentions, you can be sure that is the end of that relationship.

Hence, obviously, no opportunity to call the police again over that same man.

Is this all in the best interests of women, let alone men or children?

I cant see how.

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