Playing the Indian Card

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Brief History of the Oil Shortage

Some interesting historical tidbits about oil supply in a recent ITP Business article:

- In today’s terms, adjusted for inflation, oil in America in 1860 cost $400 a barrel. Now it costs $70 or so.
- In 1910 US gasoline cost $10 a gallon. Today, it costs about $3 a gallon.
- In 1914, the US Government warned that the US had only a ten-year supply of oil remaining.
- In 1939, they again warned that the US had only thirteen-years of oil left.
- In 1951, they warned that oil would run out in the mid-sixties.
- In the late 1970s, Jimmy Carter warned that all the oil in the world would be gone by 1990.

I guess the oil crisis is something we are just going to have to learn to live with.


angryroughneck said...

Lefties are like Jehovah Witnesses predicting the end of the world.

Steve Roney said...

Yes indeed, Angry. And why? Because if an interest group of bureaucrats can panic us into believing in some impending disaster, it induces us to give them money and power in order to fix it.