Playing the Indian Card

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Liberal Death Watch

Looks like the Liberals have already lost their chance at stirring up a fear campaign against the Conservatives. Thtat was heir last chance, by me, barring a miracle. Thanks to that leaked commercial about Harper stationing soldiers in cities, and their already shaky credibility, their mudslinging ads look like they are fast becoming a laughingstock.

That’s the death rattle. When they start laughing at you, you know it’s over.

As noted, the tipping point came when the Conservatives surpassed the Liberals in the Quebec polls. At this point, both Liberal and BQ votes should start flocking to the Tories in Quebec, as most Quebecers oppose both separatism and corruption. This will make Ontarians a whole lot more comfortable with the Tories as well, knowing voting Tory will not alienate Quebec.

This is exactly the dynamic that gave Diefenbaker and Mulroney their landslides.

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